Media and Political Links  
Amnesty International International organization designed to promote human rights across the globe.
BBC The British Broadcasting Corporation - A view from another angle Website of international news channel. Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting.
Huffington Post More Lefty-liberal viewpoints outside the "Democratic Party" confines
KCLU Local radio station with lots of great news (88.3 FM)
KCRW Another fairly local radio station with lots of great news (89.9 FM)
Left, Right and Center Local station (KCRW) puts on good political discussion Lefty-liberal propaganda website of the "filmmaker for the little guy."
National Public Radio NPR - still not yet taken over by corporate interests... not yet...
REGENERATIONtv Independent internet television station devoted to free speech.
This American Life A great radio series dedicated to Americana
US PIRG Devoted to educating and helping the American consumer, and the world. Good news site, though for full coverage, you must sign up
Humor and Oddities  
Doonesbury Once again in fine form, a comic worth following.
The ONION Satirical newspaper. Good site. Funny site - go to it and take a test or two, or three, or four, or. . .
Renegade International Independent film production company centered in Oxnard, California.
This Modern World Mr. B's favorite political cartoon
Uncyclopedia Completely useless and False Wiki-style information
Links for Students (Research and College)

The ACT's are a test that most high school Juniors and Seniors should consider taking in addition to the SAT. This is the organization that administers it.

The College Board Most high school Juniors and Seniors should take the SAT's, SAT II's and AP tests given by the College Board.
The Electric Library Great resource for finding any newspaper and magazine article you'd need. Requires membership, but most high schools have one. A password can be obtained from the school's librarian. Free scholarship and college search website.
FinAid! Free financial aide advisor. Pretty self-explanatory.
Future Leaders of America Organization designed to help Hispanic Youth in California, Texas, and Mexico.
Oxnard High School Self-explanitory.
Oxnard High School Library Media Center Contains many links to other important sites not listed here. Offers up free CliffNotes-ish type of book summaries. Rate your teachers at Oxnard High School
Spark Notes Offers up free CliffNotes-ish type of book summaries. Yet another great site for the college-bound student. The website supplement for the US History 3AP class at Oxnard High School.
Computer and Internet Stuff Great place to find software downloads and computer news.
Hotmail Microsoft's free email host. I use them.