Economic Systems of Government:
In this class we will examine several basic models of government. For each
form of government you will be asked to consider the following questions:
(1) how is this economic system
structured? (How does it work?)
(2) what are the benefits/advantages of this form of
(3) what are the disadvantages/dangers of this form of
(4) how is capital transferred in this form of
(5) what historical/current examples of this type are
The 6 basic models we will examine in class are as follows (key terms are
indicated in parentheses):
Laissez-Faire Capitalism (Classical Liberalism,
Libertarians, free market, NAFTA, outsourcing, Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations)
Communism (Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism, atheism,
Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto)
Feudalism (manorialism, vassals)
Mercantilism (Mother Country)
Fascism (Nazism, Hitler, Franco, Mussolini)
California State Framework
and Guidelines - Grade 12